Each year the ASCF provides scholarships to students seeking masters and doctoral degrees in wildlife studies at the University of Florida, Auburn University and Utah State University. Each university was chosen based upon its leadership in the fields of wildlife studies and the diversity of study that each university offers. Today, several of these students have provided to our club presentations, which were excellent, not only from a sense of their knowledge, but also because of the education each of us received. Our criteria for scholarships requires: study in a current post graduate program, evidence that the student has a valid hunting license, the transcript of the students’ grades, a short statement on a hunting experience, and a short statement of the student’s area of study. Each January or February, these very lengthy applications are reviewed by the scholarship committee and afterhours of discussion on such excellent students which is sometimes difficult, we award scholarships to the very best students, who will in the future shape the policies of the game and fish commissions that directly affect each of us as sportsmen. What better way to shape that future than to provide financial support to students who have a love of the outdoors, wildlife conservation and sustainable hunting.
If you would like to make a donation to the scholarship fund, please select the school of your choice from our menu of causes and follow the instructions for making a tax deductible donation.
Many of our members and supporters that have passed away have left generous endowments to fund the ASCF scholarship program. If you are interested in setting up an endowment as part of your will, please contact us at [email protected]